How to Spot a False Teacher, pt 3

February 27, 2018
Hosted by Terry Canady and Thom Schumacher

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Episode Description

In our desire to come up higher, many of us have come into contact with charismatic, inspirational teachers. Some of them may have been the real deal and we have been fortunate to learn from them. But many of them pitch dubious programs designed to deceive the naive and unprepared. These false teachers have a deep, varied and well-used bag of tricks to persuade the earnest spiritual seeker to abandon common sense and embrace false and spiritually harmful doctrines. To the uninitiated, this pursuit of high-minded promises of self-improvement and liberating human experience only serves to part them from, at the very least, their money and, at the very worst, their light. Why? Because while the student is busy getting ‘in touch’ with his human self, he may be losing touch with his Christ Self. In this third installment in our series on false teachers and their dark methods, we take a critical look at what these teachers do and how they manage to manipulate and hoodwink the unwary.

The Open Door

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The Open Door, brought to you by The Summit Lighthouse, is for those seeking a spiritual path. Spiritual seekers know that there is truth in all of the world’s religions, and they are looking to unlock universal truths that can lead them to higher consciousness.

The Summit Lighthouse is a repository of the teachings of the ascended masters, saints and sages who have transcended time and space. They bring, through their Messengers Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, priceless teachings that hold keys for our enlightenment.

Each week The OPEN DOOR brings you exciting programming that can span ancient spiritual wisdom to commentary on breaking news.

Terry Canady and Thom Schumacher

Terry Canady, singer/songwriter, was raised in Des Moines, Iowa, and his performing and recording career has spanned nearly five decades. Recording a #1 hit record, “Mama Bear,” in Nashville, Tennessee in the early 1970s was the highlight of his career and eventually led to the creation of his own record and publishing company, Saint Adrian, through which he has produced a number of records and albums, most recently a patriotic CD titled “Give Me Liberty.” He continues to accept narration, commercial and voice-over work from his home in the beautiful Paradise Valley, just a few miles north of Yellowstone National Park.

Thom Schumacher is a copywriter, ex-seminarian, singer, percussionist, talker, plays a mean penny whistle, lyricist, RE broker and, most importantly, a student of the ascended masters. He has been gifted with an exceptional family, survived 3 marathons, navigated some very potent astrology (double Pisces!) and continuously juggles a myriad of creative challenges, not the least of which is hosting The OPEN DOOR. The threads that run through the crazy quilt of his life are love of God, Life, wife, family and gratitude for all the opportunities along the way to learn and grow.

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