The Sticky Side of Victimhood

December 10, 2019
Hosted by Dr. Carole Lieberman

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As one of the first missing children to be featured on a milk carton, no one would blame Kim Casey Cobb if she got stuck in victimhood. But, instead of being stuck, she found a way out - and has written about it in her new book: Stuck - A Way Out. She shares her story with us today. Kim was abducted at age 9 by her dad, who was in the midst of a custody dispute with her mom. He took her, and her brother, on a frightening 7-year undercover romp throughout America. Kim had to keep her identity secret, as they fled from place to place, barely one step away from being found. She could have stayed a victim for the rest of her life, but she eventually found the strength to break free. She's now quite successful and grateful that she has been able to make her dreams come true.

Dr. Carole's Couch

Tuesday at 1 PM Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica Variety Channel

Everyday we are bombarded with stories in our newspapers, on television and on the radio that make it seem as though society is spiraling out of control. But just when everything in the world seems insane, Dr. Carole Lieberman creates a sanctuary for sanity. Call or log in to get help making sense of these turbulent times or just for advice from a soothing voice. “Dr. Carole’s Couch” broadcasts each Tuesday at 1pm Pacific (4pm Eastern) on the VoiceAmerica Channel.

Dr. Carole Lieberman

Dr. Carole Lieberman is the psychiatrist the world trusts for help coping with today's times. She is also the preeminent authority on the psychology of show biz and the psychological influence of media. A multiple Emmy award-winner, Dr. Lieberman has spent over a decade analyzing the psychological impact of world events, as a guest and host on all major media outlets. She has appeared on "Oprah", CNN, “Entertainment Tonight, “Good Morning America”, "The Today Show", “The O’Reilly Factor”, Court TV, the BBC, and numerous other high profile shows. Her work has garnered numerous awards, including those from the Writers Guild of America, City of Los Angeles and the Film Advisory Board. Dr. Carole's latest book, Coping with Terrorism: Dreams Interrupted, a psychological survival guide, has recently been released. She maintains a star-studded practice in Beverly Hills and is listed in numerous Who’s Who directories.

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