Modeling Menstruation for Your Daughter with DeAnna L’am

July 23, 2020
Hosted by Robin LaCross

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Society values extroverted energy, action, and getting things done. Society teaches women to pretend that menstruation doesn’t exist, that it’s like any other day. When the reality is that a woman’s energy goes in cycles just like her feminine cycle does. During her moon time, it’s normal and natural to want to retreat from the world. How do we give ourselves permission to do this when our culture doesn’t give us the time to pause. In today’s episode, we examine long held beliefs and attitudes around menstruation so that we can “clean house” and get rid of those that no longer serve us. Kids don’t need a lecture or talk about menstruation, they’ll benefit more from seeing how to live a lifestyle that honors your body. When we cherish our own bodies, our girls will pick this up by osmosis. A leader in the Red Tent Movement, DeAnna L’am shares how to heal menstrual wounds, reclaim your Inner Maiden and teach your kids about menstruation in a completely different way.

Holistic Sex Ed Radio

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It is often said that sex is one of the most challenging topics for couples to discuss effectively. If this is true, then how can we EVER hope to feel comfortable when it comes to talking to our kids about sex?

We feature a wide variety of topics to help parents have meaningful conversations with their kids about growing up, teen sex, healthy relationships and staying safe in our rapidly changing world. Each episode is full of practical information you can implement right away. Our guests give you food for thought, things to consider and strategies to help you get the results you want. You’ll feel more prepared and less stressed for the conversations that matter most.

Kids need your help to successfully navigate these taboo topics so that they can acquire the tools and skills they need to create healthy relationships and lay a solid foundation for a life of their dreams. Follow Holistic Sex Ed Radio on your favorite podcasting platform.

Robin LaCross

Robin LaCross is a holistic health practitioner who specializes in women’s reproductive health. She has been using and teaching natural birth control methods for over 25 years. Robin is passionate about empowering women and making sure all girls grow up knowing and understanding their bodies.

Robin believes that by changing the way parents talk to their kids about sex we can reduce unintended pregnancies and the spread of STDs in the world. To this end, Robin founded the HPV Education Project to raise awareness about the virus and the problems it causes. She also created a pair of online interview series called the Raising Empowered Daughters Summit and the Raising Empowered Kids Interview Series where she interviewed over 40 experts on a wide variety of topics designed to empower parents to communicate freely with their children about growing up, sex, relationships and staying safe.

Robin helps parents prepare for these challenging conversations by offering online training programs, private coaching and through her podcast, Holistic Sex Ed Radio.

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