Fixed Mindset or Growth Mindset, that is the question.

March 10, 2021
Hosted by Síle Uí Chiaráin

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The brain has a reward system and a punishment system. Nature has created chemical rewards for engagement with things, that move us in the general direction of adaption and things that serve our wellness. Nature punishes us for involvement in and with things that are not good for us and don’t serve our wellness. Dopamine is a feel good molecule that is essential for Growth Mindset, pursuit of goals and wellbeing of all sorts. Growth Mindset Theory, hinges on the fact that there is a huge connection between the pleasure or reward systems in the brain and action-based pursuit of goals, not just achieving a goal. We have two reward systems in the brain; pleasure from within, like love, peace and happiness which is derived from molecules like serotonin and oxytocin. The other is the dopamine reward system, a driving force in human evolution, which is secreted as much en route to rewards or goals, as it is in the achievement of rewards or goals. When we can subjectively tap into the potential of this dopamine circuit at the friction or action stage of pursuing a goal, it amplifies that pathway of reward in pursuit of goals, in our brain. This is an absolute game changer when it comes to engaging with anything challenging or of long duration. Growth Mindset is the attachment of these reward systems to the effort or friction process and not just to achieving a goal. Reward Prediction Error Theory, proffers that if you can dose the dopamine subjectively as you go through the pursuit of something and consciously appreciate even greater amounts of dopamine when you reach the desired goal, you reinforce that circuit and that tendency to celebrate small wins, which is hugely motivational and can actually be a precursor to engaging neuro plasticity. Over time therefore, these circuits become hardwired and automatic. This is the essence of Growth Mindset. Growth Mindset is about attaching reward to the fact that you’re taking action steps that are generally heading in the right direction. The more you can reward the action process, the better you become at building the neural circuits that help you to lean into anything challenging, over essentially any duration and that is Growth Mindset in a nutshell. Today’s show introduces us to a man, whose life story is real-time example of Growth Mindset. William Gregory Bell RIBA, an architect from Belfast on the Island of Ireland, where he is famous for the design of the multi award winning Belfast Waterfront Concert Hall, Arts and Conference Centre, shares the Boom Bust Boom story of his life, the outcome of which has been as heavily dependent on celebrating small wins and practicing gratitude, as it ever was on achieving desired end goals. Family, love and connection are the most important things to this soulful man, who is a hugely talented team player and a high achiever professionally. But the meaning and purpose behind this man’s drive, is where this interview has the most valuable life lessons to teach us.

Whole and One

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At the intersection of epi-genetics, neuro plasticity and psycho-neuro immunology is our ever increasing awareness of neuro-chemistry and the mind-body connect. You are what you think about. Where attention goes, energy flows. In other words, as your body keeps score, the servant can become the master. Your thoughts can knock you out of homeostasis and make you sick. Conversely when you learn how to get your emotional needs met, healthily and in balance, you cannot be mentally, emotionally and/or by extension, physically unwell. Through this empowering series of light-bearing interviews with captivating guests, Síle Ui Chiaráin from Ireland will help you to gain objective perspective on your own story. Stay tuned to learn how to manage your self-talk, quiet your inner critic, as well as build a healthy relationship with anxiety. It’s like doing a bicep curl for your brain.

Síle Uí Chiaráin

Having recently retired from her post as a primary school teacher in Ireland, in a career that spanned thirty years, Síle continues to educate, inspire and mentor in her new incarnation as a life and business coach, psychotherapist and growth strategist. Síle works with formulas to help clients achieve mind-derived health optimisation. Teaching individuals and business communities about Causing an Effect as opposed to Cause and Effect, Síle is taking blueprints for best practice, from philosophy, to initiation to mastery, one recovery programme at a time. Culture is key, when it comes to growth and expansion. Síle’s WHOLE and ONE master plan frames the 3As of adaptability, authenticity and autonomy as non-negotiable in the architecture of adaptable change-mentality, at individual and organisational levels, for optimum results.

Thoughts are the locomotive to living intentionally, as opposed to living out of habit. You choose your thoughts. Síle expounds the value of meta-cognition as a launch pad for achieving desired outcomes. When you learn how to think about what you’ve been thinking about, you are no longer the programme, you are the observer of the programme, and from here you can change practices to change outcomes. Knowledge, particularly psycho-education as well as practices such as mindfulness, gratitude and self-care are the tools of the trade if you wish to live deliberately and optimise results.

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