Navigating Through Grief and Coming Out Feeling Renewed
July 15, 2021
Hosted by Dr. Paula Joyce
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Episode Description
Grief is complicated. There is no one way or right way to grieve. We each have our own process. We may go through Kubler Ross’s five stages of grief, or we may experience grief in our own unique way. We will most certainly go through several layers of grieving. At times, thoughts and emotions will arise seemingly out of nowhere. Other times, a familiar smell, a song on the radio, or certain words will bring back memories, smiles, or tears. Grief has no timeline. It is complete when it’s done with us, not when we decide we should be finished. We can make the process easier and more meaningful when we face it consciously. My guest will share ways to find joy and gratitude in dark moments; how to use writing to help navigate through grief; and what mindful grieving is, and the role meditation can play in its practice. Please join us this Thursday to discover how to move through the grieving process to come out of it feeling renewed.
Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit
Thursday at 8 AM Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel
Learning to see life from a spiritual perspective can change the way we think, which changes everything. As we let go of fear, worry, regret, blame, anger, guilt, resentment, jealousy and shame, we can create the loving, joyful, prosperous, healthy life that we want and deserve.
The best or worst place to live is in our own mind. You will learn how to weed out the negativity and to be grateful and positive in word, thought and deed, resulting in your ever-increasing happiness. Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit is broadcast live every Thursday at 8 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.
Dr. Paula Joyce
Dr. Paula, The Life Doctor, has helped thousands of people improve their health, wealth and relationships through writing, coaching and speaking. Her clients attain success, achieve breakthrough thinking and enhanced productivity with her Ultimate Creative Problem Solving Process, which aligns and integrates information in both sides of the brain. Clients dissolve hidden fears and blocks, solve challenging problems and reach their goals.
Despite being told that she couldn't write creatively, paint or dance, Dr. Paula is a best-selling author, an internationally shown artist and an accomplished Argentine Tango dancer. She broke the family rules by being a working mother who did postdoctoral work at Yale and was Director of Leadership Development in a school district where she coached and trained top level executives. She overcame emotional and psychological abuse and learned to see the positive in every experience and feel the gratitude for all of it.
Dr. Paula co-authored a best-seller, Nothing But Net. Her column, Ask Dr. Paula, is in Dallas Yoga Magazine, in print and on the web. Her first e-book is 33 Tips for Self-Empowerment.
She has spoken to organizations such as: American Express Financial Services, Baylor University Medical Center and Jung Society.
Dr. Paula was in USA Today, Dallas Morning News and on national television and radio. She was named a Leading Expert and recognized by The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors.