Encore: Changing the Game Through Corporate Social Responsibility

October 25, 2022
Hosted by Bonnie D. Graham

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The Buzz 1: “Be a global citizen. Act with passion and compassion. Help us make this world safer and more sustainable today and for the generations that will follow us. That is our moral responsibility.” [UN Secretary-General Ban-Ki Moon on the UN’s adoption of a new set of global Sustainable Development Goals for 2016-2030] The Buzz 2: “There is no ‘Plan B’ because we do not have a ‘Planet B.’ We have to work and galvanize our action.” What if every Autonomous Digital Enterprise (ADE) recognized corporate social responsibility (CSR) as an organizational imperative with the power to reshape the business landscape – instead of a “nice to have maybe one day”? Investing in and establishing CSR and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives through purpose-driven programs can help companies like yours do more than just become better global citizens. By aligning with stakeholders’ key values, they also become businesses that customers want to buy from and organizations that employees want to work for. Reality check: CSR is neither a department nor a function. It’s a collective purpose shared by a committed team that includes employees, customers, partners, and the communities where they work and live. One path to that purpose is aligning business planning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), which support the UN’s vision of improving lives through the promotion of social progress and sustainable development. The SDGs build on decades of work by countries and the UN, including the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Cascading CSR and ESG initiatives across your organization—from product and service development to the employee experience—can be a game-changer for your business. We’ll ask experts Wendy Rentschler and Nathaniel Comer for their insights on Changing the Game through Corporate Social Responsibility.

The Savvy Innovators, Presented by BMC Software

Tuesdays at 7 AM Pacific on VoiceAmerica Business Channel

In a world of constant change, it is time to future proof your business. Technology, data, and devices are all converging to impact every aspect of work and life. Reinventing your business by innovating all aspects large and small holds the key to maintaining your competitive edge. Join host Bonnie D. Graham for our special series: The Savvy Innovators, Presented by BMC Software. We’ll explore how enterprises can embrace tech-enabled disruption, and continuously adapt and evolve to achieve and sharpen their competitive edge. Learn from today’s savvy innovators how to guide your company to best uncover and deliver enhanced value to your stakeholders. The Savvy Innovators, Presented by BMC Software, on the VoiceAmerica Business Channel.

Bonnie D. Graham

Bonnie D. Graham produced and hosted her first live talk radio show in 1998 on AM1240–WGBB, Long Island, NY’s oldest terrestrial radio station. A few years later, she moved from terrestrial to Internet radio with her author interview show, “Up Close and Personal.” In 2011, working at the enterprise software leader SAP, she developed the concept for a weekly live global business thought leadership roundtable series on the VoiceAmerica Business Channel – and launched “Coffee Break with Game-Changers” on October 5, 2011. Over the next nine years, Bonnie D. created, produced and hosted 46 additional SAP series on the Business Channel, attracting millions of listeners around the world. Since becoming an independent broadcaster in 2019, she has developed and hosted live radio and podcast series on the Business Channel for eight additional organizations, as well as her own weekly series, “Read My Lips: Cool Conversations with Creatives with akaRadioRed,” on the Empowerment Channel. In 2023, her live-streaming “Technology Revolution: The Future of Now” series was ranked No. 6 on FeedSpot’s Top 70 Technology Podcasts to Listen to in 2023. What powers Bonnie D.’s passion for radio? She “loves speaking with smart people!”

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