May 6, 2024
Hosted by Elizabeth Monroy

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A TIME FOR HEALING As our Mother Earth fell from her divine position in the Cosmos her connection with the Divine Mother aspect of Infinite Creation, and the Divine Feminine were severed creating a world void of nurturing, creativity, respect for our Mother Earth, all LIFE and unconditional love. Without the presence of the divine, the feminine was banished to the lunar shadows of the moon goddess, the Baphomet serving as a mere reflection of the solar male unable to generate her own inner luminosity. Thus manipulation, insecurity co- dependency and victimization became tools of power in this warped world. Without the balance of the divine feminine the divine masculine fell to the epitome of its Dark masculine force which has been seen at work in the world during these dark eons. Its protective nature turned to acts of rape and child sacrifice, and Its stability and foundation inverted to oppression and chaos. Its honesty and integrity turned to corruption, greed, and lies. Since we all are both masculine and feminine this perverted inner balance has deeply affected us ALL! Few realize that the most devastating action you can take is to war against the opposite sex. This division was masterfully created to cause us to create a devastating war within our very being to halt our ascension. HIEROS GAMOS Hieros means "holy" or "sacred" and gamos means "marriage". It is the sacred marriage of the God and Goddess divine feminine and divine masculine within YOU! This alchemical blending lays the foundation to ascend beyond duality. This can manifest in the physical when both aspects of one Soul (Twin Souls) choose to incarnate to experience and express this divine union physically but due to the fallen nature of our universe, these two must overcome many obstacles. If they are able to find each other they must heal their wounds so that the two may become three to become ONE again to be made whole or holy. This truly is the holiest of hierogamic Unions the completion of the Twin Soul Hero/Heroines Journey. But we all must complete this journey within. I know everyone longs for their TWIN SOUL but your twin soul is always within you! LET ’S TALK ABOUT SEX, BABY "My “Spiritual Teacher” once said that the problem with the World is that nobody understands sex. Thirty years later, I am beginning to realize the profundity of his statement. To begin to comprehend our Multiverse one must know the true creation mechanics. It was not as we have been taught, some random Big Bang that blasted our universe into a chaotic pattern of existence. Rather, our Multiverse was created when Infinite Source simultaneously gave birth creating the true holy trinity of Partiki, Partika, and Particum. This divine trinity of Infinite Source birthing Matter and Anti-matter created the Divine Mother and Divine Father who then gave birth to the sacred hierogamic union of Divine Masculine/ Divine Feminine ."

The Infinite Human Talk Show

Monday at 9 AM PST on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

The is emerging on the face of the Earth a new Human and infinite Human and that human is you! Join Elizabeth Monroy weekly for discussions, activations, meditations and visualizations with other blossoming infinite human beings who are shifting the old paradigms of our broken finite, fragmented, corrupted 3D Earth and alchemizing it into a more infinite, expansive, unified reality by reclaiming their true divine infinite power as the co-creators of the new infinite Earth. We will be discussing topics that help individuals to evolve physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, financially and socially shedding the old finite Earth paradigms and belief systems. We will be interviewing guests, having enlightening conversations and co -creating a new consciousness renaissance so people can find their own soul- utions to many problems our world is NOW facing from within and BE THE CHANGE by seeing, being and living life from a higher perspective of knowing WE ARE ALL ONE!

Elizabeth Monroy

Elizabeth Monroy is an International Author, Talk Show Host, Film Director, Producer, Intuitive Life Coach, Visionary and New Earth Co Creator. Her spiritual books support humanity’s ascension process including Children’s books, Romance Novels and her latest book, The Infinite Human, an Ascension Guide for Awakening Infinite Human Beings, the Co-creators of the Infinite New Earth. She holds a Masters of Science in Mental Health Counseling and has traveled the planet with her husband, Peter Monroy a physician, laying a foundation for a higher modality of divine inner healing which they wrote about in their book The Pathway Home. Elizabeth has worked within the educational system for years and frustrated by the lack of creativity and independent thought, she moved to Florence, Italy where she founded The Infinite Human School for Visionaries of the New Consciousness Renaissance. Elizabeth now lives in a villa overlooking the Mediterranean Sea in Sicily with Kiki her Pomeranian dog and Peter, her twin soul though no longer in the physical is always with her in spirit. They travel the planet giving speaking engagements, workshops, esoteric tours and co-creating New Earth Communities to support our Mother Earth and humanity's shift from the dark HIS-tory of Earth to OUR-STORY as we reset to the Infinite!

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