The Hidden Power of Emotions

March 24, 2014
Hosted by Cathy Roberts

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Episode Description

How do you deal with the emotions of depression, anxiety, anger, grief or even joy? Do you welcome the bodily sensations and watch the ever changing inner landscape with acceptance? Or do you resist, push away, flee or shut down? When loss happens in our lives, we often want to push feelings aside and move on. But those feelings keep bumping around inside of us causing physical or emotional problems. Today’s guest, Raphael Cushnir, tells us that when we are disconnected from our day to day emotional experience, we are blocked from actualizing our highest potential. Raphael teaches us to “surf” our emotions by attending to emotional sensation in the body. His methods and techniques allow us to move through our emotions rather than avoid them. Join us for an hour with a master of emotional connection.

Voices for Healing

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel

Voices for Healing supports people dealing with loss and change. Our show brings experts who transform loss to people who want to become whole. Serving as wise friends, counselors, and guides, our host and guests help us turn adversity into opportunity. Our vision is to create a diverse community of listeners and guests who learn and teach tools and techniques to help us wake up to who we really are and to become the masters of our own lives.

Cathy Roberts

Cathy is a counselor, teacher, and healer with 35 years of experience inspiring and guiding people to live life to the fullest. Her quest to heal her own early childhood loss and trauma began in her 20’s and continues to this day. Especially interested in psychology and spirituality, Cathy is involved in a variety of individual and group practices.

After many years as an educator and parent, Cathy completed a master’s degree in pastoral counseling in 2000. At about the same time she became interested in energy healing, and continues to study and practice QiGong, Yoga, Energy Medicine, and Reiki. In 2004 she opened her counseling practice, working with individuals and families who want to get the most out of life and create healthy relationships. She is an engaging speaker and leads spiritual and organizational retreats.

Cathy believes that life holds ongoing possibilities for resiliency and renewal. She knows firsthand that loss can motivate people to change and grow. Passionate about sharing the transformative power of loss with others, she is delighted to broaden her outreach via radio. In her spare time, she enjoys travel, long walks in nature, delicious foods, and connecting with friends and family, including her three adult children, their partners, and her two grandchildren.

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