Who let the DOGma out?

April 28, 2015
Hosted by Julia and Karolee

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Episode Description

In this hour of discovery Julia and her guest Gary Douglas explore the concept of dogma. The under lying message is letting go what no longer serves. How can we shift or let go of these “false” beliefs utilizing open ended questions and other processes.

The Energetic Toybox

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica 7th Wave Channel

Each show will start out with guided imagery, setting sacred space with love, joy and expansion. Each week we will take a peek into the Energetic Toybox and bring out a metaphysical tool or concept and play. We explore fundamentals of the metaphysical world for alternative and holistic healing. If you have little or no knowledge of these concepts, or just want to review the basics, we provide a foundation and the tools to give you the confidence and hunger to explore on a deeper level, empowering you on your spiritual path with joy and enthusiasm. We discuss the chakras, discernment, meditation meridians, and many more metaphysical concepts so that you can begin utilizing these tools, or as Julia like to put it, “Toys,” in your daily life.

Julia and Karolee

Julia Stubbe is an intuitive artist, a channel of the Language of Light and a facilitator of energy healing with years of experience in many modalities. She is an IET Master Instructor, a Reiki Master in Usui and Sekhem Seichim Reiki, as well as an ordained minister. An extraordinary spirit, her journey began more than 20 years ago. She launched her creation, Wellness Treasures, in the 90s, rooted in her deep desire to share a multitude of healing modalities.

Julia’s Mission: “As a healer and spiritual counselor, I specialize in assisting people in overcoming emotional blockages, spiritual issues, and physical conditions, as well as encouraging growth and wellness within themselves. Using a holistic approach, I interweave many healing modalities to find a deeper understanding of physical problems. By peeling away the layers of surface challenges and blockages, an understanding and realization of issues through this healing enlightenment are exposed, allowing deeper issues to come to light. This approach facilitates healing transformation through hands on healing and holistic counseling.”

“It is my enthusiasm for life, and deep understanding of what’s possible spiritually that allows me to help others in the evolution of their souls. As I align myself with the Universal essence of the Divine being, I am better able to assist you as you step into the awareness of your Divine potential.”

Karolee is a spiritual channel, intuitive guide for healing, and teacher of self- empowerment. Her belief is that each of us holds the keys to our power within us, and can create the life of our dreams. She works with her Spirit guides and teachers to assist others in awakening to their gifts and what they truly came here on Earth to do. She basically teaches that there are two main tasks to do to heal yourself. Let go of your blocks, your false beliefs, and bring in the energies of Light into your bodies. Her work expands on how to do this.

Karolee created the class, The Game of Earth, to remind us of who we truly are and what Earth is really all about. Her Guides encouraged her to teach the thirteen rays of Creator, which exponentially expands the consciousness of the students who embark on the journey of the Rays. She also is a teacher of Drunvalo Melchezedeks's work, Awakening the Illuminated Heart.

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