Healing with your Angels

August 12, 2015
Hosted by Paula Vail

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Episode Description

Steffany Barton joins Paula once again. Steffany brings inspiration and heart connection whenever she speaks. Steffany who began as an RN now devotes her life to giving our angels a voice and assisting others into the awareness of the Divine Love around them. In this heartfelt episode, Steffany discusses “Our soul’s growth” and “Claiming the light of love”. She shares how the Experience of illness invites us to claim our Wellness. Steffany reminds us that the angels are the “Ultimate life guards” She shares words that can be life changing for each and every one of us. Steffany is a gift to us all.

For the Love of Reiki

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel

My goal is that you will gain new knowledge and insight about Reiki, as well as gain your own self-empowerment. Every day, I wish to help others live with love and compassion, thus allowing their own blessings to manifest. Our show will be about Reiki. It will cover many different aspects of Reiki, and other topics that work with Reiki. Shamanism, nutrition, self-empowerment etc.

We’ll discuss how Reiki fits in with Western medicine and other alternative healing modalities (chiropractic, massage, SVH, etc.), Reiki in hospitals, and the tremendous effect it has in regard to surgeries, pain, and its role in healing, and its value to a Reiki practitioner, How Reiki aids in healing us physically and emotionally, discussion on our LEF (Luminous energy field, and Reiki is an energy healing modality) and discuss how our energy field, vibration, and intent play such a huge role in our health, happiness, and self-empowerment.

Paula Vail

I was born a premature baby, weighing less than 3 pounds. Doctors did not believe I would make it through the night. I did survive. I have had a grateful heart my whole life. I have always believed that happiness is a choice. While in college, I began working at a restaurant in Tacoma, Washington, which I eventually bought. I worked in that restaurant for 27 years. My years in the restaurant business gave me the opportunity to meet so many amazing people. After I sold my restaurant, I went to work as a receptionist so that I could continue to work with people. Working with people is one of my passions. It was at this time that I began learning Reiki. It all started because I am an avid animal lover. I had a beloved dog that was ill. Someone suggested I learn Reiki. That started me on my Reiki path. Reiki is my love and passion; therefore, I made giving and teaching Reiki my career.

Sharing information and/or Reiki energy with others fills my heart with joy. My accomplishments include Reiki training (with various teachers) in Tacoma and Seattle, Washington, Sedona, Arizona and in Peru. I am a Usui and Karuna Master/Teacher. I have had training in Shamanism and Serenity Vibration Healing as well. I was awarded “Best of Tacoma 2013” in the wellness category.

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