PSYCH-K: Changing Belief Patterns and Exploring Higher Consciousness

November 13, 2015
Hosted by Dr. Jeffrey L. Fannin, Ph.D

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Episode Description

In 2010, Rob Williams founder of PSYCH-K, connected with Dr. Fannin and began scientifically researching how PSYCH-K changes subconscious belief patterns. Their research also explored the energy signatures in states of higher consciousness. Through the process of engaging "Surrogation" and the technical aspects of QEEG Brainmapping while using complex scientific independent t-test analysis, their experiment found profound different energy signatures of the conditions measured that are scientifically statistically significant at the highest level. They talk about this fascinating research and tell the back story of this experience. They also discuss the "Principles of Nature" and why we should all adopt these principles as part of our own belief system that guides our behavior. Their research led to understanding how and why the "Whole Brain State" is so important having access to our full potential.

Help! My Thoughts are Holding Me Hostage

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

We have all been in that place where a pesky thought gets stuck in our head and goes round and round making it impossible to think of anything else. Or, maybe you are constantly dealing with a million distractions and just can’t stay focused to accomplish your goals. Do you believe that you can be, do or have anything you want? What if you could learn to Command the Power of Thought? Is that possible? You have the power within yourself, the problem is you don’t understand the laws of the universe and how to get them to work for you. Dr. Fannin’s ground breaking research and easy to understand practical approach to neuroscience will quickly have you understanding how to tap into the powerhouse within yourself. His guests are leaders in the field of empowerment, transformation and higher consciousness. Stop letting your thoughts hold you hostage. Tune into HELP! MY THOUGHTS ARE HOLDING ME HOSTAGE to learn how you can create the life you have always wanted. Become a THOUGHT GENIUS.

Dr. Jeffrey L. Fannin, Ph.D

Dr. Fannin has worked in the neuroscience field researching, measuring and training the brain for over 17 years. His cutting-edge research uses advanced technology like wireless dry sensor electroencephalography EEG to measure brainwave patterns. Converting the raw EEG into a Quantitative EEG brainmap to identify patterns in the brain that tend to keep us from living and creating the reality we desire. His team of highly trained research specialists employs sophisticated Gas Discharge Visualization equipment to show the energy fields in our body and whether they are depleted and need work. It also measures the energy centers of the body, our Chakras, to let us know if they are aligned and balanced. His clinic uses the most advanced brain training equipment to assist in training the neuropathways in the brain, maximizing brain performance. These incredible tools allow him to work with changing unwanted subconscious belief patterns, while exploring the laws of the quantum world to engage the power of universal subtle energy to achieve higher states of consciousness to create and generating more than you ever thought possible. His radio program brings you top in their field guests that will keep you intrigued, educated and understanding how to create the life you desire. Dr. Fannin���s down-to-earth, easy to understand approach to neuroscience and how to use the laws of the universe will provide you with intelligent insight for learning how to Command The Power of Thought.

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