The Hero's Journey Continues--Part 2

March 8, 2016
Hosted by Jim Stacey

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How long will it be before your most beautiful self steps forward to live your life purpose as never before? Have you ever thought of yourself as a Hero? The truth is that when we connect with our true Self--our own Divinity within, we can be nothing less than a Hero as we transform all our old energies and become new in our service to others. You are a Hero emerging! When I first read Joseph Campbell's The Hero With A Thousand Faces, I wasn't aware of how this matched the teaching of Yeshua (Jesus) in his story of The Prodigal Son. Then I discovered that George Lucas built his whole Star Wars episodes on Campbell's "Hero". This show takes you into the first stage of The Hero's Journey--The Departure. Ready? The unknown awaits you. And, there is no reason to fear the unknown that holds magnificent gifts for you. All you need to do is say YES!! Let's begin.

Beyond Religion: Your Life is Waiting

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Our show is designed to contribute to the healing of those wounded by dogma and shame. I know the beauty and power of the Aramaic language and I’ll share that in the context of sharing with you that your life is your choice and that you can live above smallness and shame. I’ll help you learn how to say goodbye to the old victim energies, and how to awaken to your hidden destiny. You’ll learn how to understand your own “shadow” self and at the same time say goodbye to guilt and remorse. To celebrate all one’s mistakes and learn valuable insights from them is tantamount to claiming your deeper life purpose and giving birth to your most beautiful self. To live in the energy of gratitude and unconditional love makes it possible to let go of all that causes pain and suffering and see the gifts in all that has stifled us in victim energies. To help and support you in knowing of and learning to experience the energy of The Divine within you is my goal. In that there is no fear whatsoever.

Jim Stacey

From time to time a voice comes upon the scene of the human drama and asks questions that are destined to shape anew the way people think, how they live, and what they value. Such a voice is that of Jim Stacey, author of Jesus Was Not A Christian, and ten other books about the Spiritual Adventures of being human. In his first book he dares to call into question what Christianity has been teaching for over 1700 years.

Today, Jim speaks boldly and passionately about the healing deeply needed by humanity. Jim began his doctoral pursuit with a study of the Aramaic language, Jesus’ native tongue. He has been studying the meanings and applications of the Aramaic for fifteen years. Jim delivers a non-religious message of healing, loving, choosing our own destiny, and transforming our human shadow, which is the message from the lost Jesus who said "the kingdom of heaven is WITHIN you."

As a former Christian minister, college professor and businessman, Jim now writes to inspire people to go deeper in their search for knowledge, wisdom and the meaning of their own path in life.

Jim has been honored with the Golden Quill Award from the National Academy of Best Selling Authors. Jim is currently the author of eleven books. To know our Divinity, experience it deep within, and walk together in Love is the essence of the dawning new era. The key to loving all others is to first experience The Divine within ourselves.

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