Myrna Lou Goldbaum

Myrna Lou Goldbaum

Myrna Lou Goldbaum is a Master Palmist, author of 3 books on palmistry and a Soul Mate Specialist. She I began reading palms at the age of 10 and now has 60+ years of experience. To date Myrna Lou has documentation of 50,572 palms read, with a 90-95% accuracy rate. The titles of her books are: MAY I SEE YOUR HAND? Palm Reading For Fun And Profit, SOUL MATE CONNECTIONS - Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Relationships, Love, Romance and Soul Mates and DIARY OF A PALM READER - Palm Reading Sessions From 1956 to 2003. You can learn more about Myrna Lou’s work by going to her website at You may contact her by email at or call her at 303-651-6273.