Lenore  Luca

Lenore Luca

Lenore Luca lives in New Jersey where she studies Broadcasting at Montclair University. She is proud to say she has been blessed by having parents and brothers who have always encouraged her to follow her dreams. Since Lenore was very young she had the desire to succeed and help others. She continues to prove when you put your heart into something, great things can happen. Lenore Luca is an entrepreneur, inspiration, talent and role model out to enjoy life and be a service to the world she is so proud to be a part of. In 2010, a music filing internship led to a wonderful experience researching news and being a part time host for Zang Radio. After Lenore's internship she set out and became the creator/host of her hit internet radio show "Teen Groove On The Move". Her show is a forum for teens to discuss topics important to them. In 2011, with great reviews on her first published issue,"Teen Groove on the Move", it was at this point Lenore knew she was a voice for her generation.