David Wood
Author, speaker, and world traveler David Wood is a former stand-up comedian with several David Letterman Show appearances under his belt. His 4,000 plus personal appearances run the gamut from numerous television shows to corporation keynotes A few years ago, he took a one year sabbatical to travel to exotic locales around-the-world. He turned that adventure into a book -- “Around the World in 80 Rounds.” The book is critically acclaimed. The book is available in at www.amazon.com/Around-World-80-Rounds. His keynote presentation – Challenge Your Inner Adventurer – focuses on “breaking out of comfort zones” and pursuing dreams. David also founded Right Brain Business Training – a Seattle-based company producing award-winning employee training videos sold worldwide. David also works with golf resort public relations with Buffalo Communications. He resides in New York City. Contact him: David@DavidWoodSpeaking.com.