Barbara Lebo
Barbara Lebo, MBA, BComm, CAAP, NIB, is CEO, (Chief Encouragement Officer) of Lebo Media Services which she has owned and operated for 25 years. This is a strategic marketing and advertising sales consulting agency, specializing in reaching hard-to-reach professionals such as doctors, lawyers, dentists, accountants and veterinarians in Canada and the US. Married for 24 years, at age 52, she has a daughter of 13 years, a son of12, and a son of 7, Braeden, who lives with autism. A dynamic public speaker and presenter, she leads life-transforming workshops. Her latest workshop, “I’m ready to be happier now, one mom’s journey with autism”, deals with the entire journey of autism, from before diagnosis to school. Like her other workshops, it explains how our attitudes affect our behaviors, contribute to our fears, move us forward or hold us back, influence what we can and cannot control, impact our families and our lives, and can free us from feelings of resentment and regret.