Angela Schaefers
Angela Schaefers is a speaker, writer, producer/host of Your Story Matters. Blogging weekly she shares her life to encourage others. She writes for, Inspirational Woman Magazine. Angela authored her memoir Grief to Grace, her book Your Story Matters You Matter, is working on her next two books; Cancer Doesn’t Come Wrapped In A Pretty Ribbon and More Grace. Angela is counselor, career coach, has worked as a Chaplain; consults for various non-profit organizations, State of Florida’s Early Intervention Program, County of Los Angeles (CA) WorkForce Program, County of Orange (CA) Alternative Dispute Resolution department. She has provided training, developed curriculum for counselors teaching self-improvement, communication, conflict resolution, and facilitated support groups for grief/divorce. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Organizational Management and a Master of Arts degree in Counseling. Email: Phone: 877-272-2481