Mark  Rubinstein

Mark Rubinstein

Mark Rubinstein was raised in Brooklyn, NY, and, after earning a degree in business administration at NYU, served in the US Army as a field medic tending paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division. After his discharge, Mark became a physician and psychiatrist, serving as an expert forensic witness many times. As an attending psychiatrist at New York Presbyterian Hospital and a clinical assistant professor of psychiatry at Cornell, he taught psychiatric residents, psychologists, and social workers while practicing psychiatry. His first novel was Mad Dog House. His next, Love Gone Mad, will be released in September 2013. Among the book’s focuses: the insanity plea. Mark has also co-authored five books on psychological and medical topics. He lives in Connecticut with as many dogs as his wife will allow in the house. He still practices psychiatry and is busy working on other novels. He blogs for Huffington Post and Psychology Today. To learn more, visit