Diana Simpson
Diana Simpson graduated from University of Waterloo with an Honours BA in Recreation, Business Option, Cooperative Program. Her career includes Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (Recreation Therapist) in hospital settings, Continuing Care and Rehabilitative Services, working with residents living in the facility or receiving rehabilitation for neurological conditions, musculoskeletal disorders, recent amputations, and respiratory problems. In Rehabilitation, the focus was on assisting clients in getting ready to re-enter the community. She later joined the City of Mississauga as a Recreation Analyst, Seniors Programs, where she led the formation of the Next Step to Active Living Program, a day program for adults with physical disabilities. In 2003, she moved to Facilities and Property Management, City of Mississauga, where she works closely with the Accessibility Advisory Committee, a committee of Council, to coordinate the City’s Accessibility Plan, www.mississauga.ca/accessibility.