Jane Saundercook
Jane Saundercook graduated in Political Science from McMaster University, is an experienced paralegal, and possesses a certification in Alternative Dispute Resolution. Mother of 3, she’s a volunteer with the Durham Autism Society, and a passionate advocate with 10 years’ of research for funding and therapy opportunities for at-risk youth with special needs, with learning disabilities and mental illness. She’s the Founder and President of Horses Help Canada, http://horseshelpcanada.com/, a non-profit organization providing horsemanship-on-the-ground workshops for youth living with autism, Asperger syndrome and attention deficit disorders, or who have experienced trauma. Horses Help Canada is partnering with Wounded Warriors Canada, http://www.woundedwarriors.ca/, to provide the therapeutic benefits of working with horses for veterans and their families who are healing from post-traumatic stress disorder, trauma, and are learning strategies and skills to readjust to their lives.