Dr. Ross Turchaninov

Dr. Ross Turchaninov

Dr. Turchaninov graduated with honors from the Odessa Medical School in Ukraine in 1982. He was admitted to the residency program of the Kiev Scientific Institute of Orthopedy and Rehabilitation, which he completed in 1985. From 1985 to 1988, he worked as a supervisor of the rehabilitation program for the Ukrainian Ministry of Public Health. During these years, he also worked with the medical team of the relief effort following the Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster. From 1988 to 1992, Dr. Turchaninov worked as a senior scientific researcher at the Kiev Scientific Institute of Orthopedy and Rehabilitation. In 1989, Dr. Turchaninov obtained his PhD degree in medicine. In 1992, Dr. Turchaninov was invited to work in rehabilitation centers in New York City and Scottsdale, Arizona, as head of their medical massage program. In 2009, he founded the Science Of Massage Institute. He lectures in the U.S. and abroad on issues of manual therapy and medical massage, and is regularly invited to speak at American and international conferences. Dr. Turchaninov is author of more than 70 scientific papers and other publications in European and American medical journals. He is author of three major textbooks: Medical Massage, Volumes I and II, andTherapeutic Massage: A Scientific Approach. His is founder and Editor in Chief of Journal of Massage Science.