Sam  Gooding

Sam Gooding

Sam Gooding, a returning instructor, comes to the Kentucky Horseshoeing School with an exceptional set of skills. Following Sam’s graduation from KHS in 1996, he served as an apprentice to Mitch Taylor for 2 years. Following his apprenticeship, Sam left for Texas where he continued his training in the field, under the tutelage of Jim Poor, CJF. In the following years, he honed his skills both under the horse and in the forge. Sam Gooding, CJF is both an accomplished tool-maker and horseshoer, having proven his skills by being named to the American Farriers Association US Horseshoeing Team in 2005 and placing in the top 10 finishers at the 2005 World Championships in Calgary, Canada. Sam is a gifted instructor, having shown his affinity for the classroom during his advanced training with Taylor and throughout the many clinics he has given during his years in the field.