Megan Renfree (O’Malley)

Megan Renfree (O’Malley)

Megan Renfree (O’Malley) is a Licensed Registered Dietitian (Bachelor’s Degree in Food, Nutrition, and Dietetics from Bradley University) and an Assistant Personal Training Department Head at Life Time Fitness in Schaumburg. She is a current member of the Dietitians in Integrative and Functional Medicine through the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and fell in love with the holistic approach to nutrition. Megan has a thorough nutrition background in sports/performance, wellness, weight loss, weight gain, metabolic testing, metabolism, Diabetes, supplementation, kids nutrition, etc. Her nutrition philosophy is a three-step system. First is Quality meaning that food should come from the ground up! Second is Balance, which describes the macronutrient percentage that one should attain due to their personal goals. Last but not least is Quantity, which makes sure that people eat more than what their body burns at rest (Resting Metabolic Rate).