Dr. Rolf Gainer
Dr. Rolf Gainer is the Vice President of Rehabilitation Institutes of America. He’s also the founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Neurologic Rehabilitation Institute of Ontario, Canada, http://www.nrio.com/. He serves as the Chief Executive Officer at Brookhaven Hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma, http://www.traumaticbraininjury.net/. He’s been involved with the design and operation of brain injury rehabilitation and treatment programs since 1978, including Community NeuroRehab, https://sites.google.com/site/communityneurorehab/home. He has a PhD in Clinical Psychology, a Diplomate ABDA, and the MEd in Counseling Psychology. He has published numerous articles on brain injury rehabilitation and mental health topics and has presented at many national and international conferences. He is involved in three outcome research projects related to social role return and lifespan considerations for individuals with traumatic brain injury.