Tim Gnazale
Since the 1960s, Tim Gnazale has backpacked much of
California’s vast mountain ranges, Wyoming’s Grand
Tetons, and abroad. For two years he served on the El
Dorado National Forestry Service Nordic ski patrol, and
three years as a cross-country ski instructor at Royal
Gorge. Amongst Tim’s several decades of outdoor
treks, he survived of an uncanny 3-day whiteout blizzard in 1985.
Tim has managed an intricate balance between proper gear,
adaptive methods, outdoor savvy and respect for
nature. He is author of three books on fitness and Tai
chi, and instructs in both disciplines. Tim has been a
fitness professional through the American College of
Sports Medicine for 20+ years, and consults in high-tech marketing.
Fastbackpacker.com is where you can find Tim!