Jeff  Horst

Jeff Horst

Jeff Horst, Entrepreneur

Based out of Kitchener-Waterloo Ontario, Jeff Horst is the Co-founder of two companies; echosims, a digital marketing firm and Meersocial, a startup offering social media training online. Being the Business Developer for both companies it has him in many coffee meetings (although he doesn't drink coffee) and connecting with a wide range of industries and individuals. Good thing he is a people person.

He is currently an active member of the Grand River Hospital Foundation but in the past has been a part of many local charities and initiatives. This past year he initiated the first annual ball hockey corporate challenge event in Waterloo called Family.Hockey.Food with proceeds going to the local Foodbank. He loves his community, is proud of his mennonite roots, and feels very lucky to be doing what he loves every day.

Contact coordinates for Jeff Horst include:

- Twitter

- LinkedIn

- Meersocial

- echosims