Dr. Kiran  Dintyala

Dr. Kiran Dintyala

Dr. Kiran Dintyala is a full time practicing physician, located in Palm Springs California. Dr. Kiran Dintyala is an internal medicine physician by profession. He is an author, speaker and stress-management Expert. He also holds a Masters in Public Health (MPH). He learnt his stress management skills, while doing his Masters. His passion is to create stress-free organizations so that the individuals and the organizations may reap the benefits of stress-free living. “Many years ago, when I was in the spell of a perfect storm of stress in my life, I accidentally stumbled across certain principles that saved my life. Those principles helped me calm down instantaneously and gave me the ability to take control of my life situation. That ability to calm down in the midst of chaos not only saved me from a dismal failure that threatened my career but also paved a path to the career of my dreams. The concepts I learnt over years through many life and death situations got solidified into 'Principles of Stress Mastery'. These principles are simple and easy to follow. They melt away stress instantaneously. These Principles work with a mathematical accuracy! Having benefited from these principles, now I am on a journey to help others to reap the same benefits I reaped in my life”.