Munira Jiwa

Munira Jiwa

Munira Jiwa is a Spreader of Qi~Joy ! Munira experienced a complete transformation from her chronic neck and back pain after discovering Spring Forest Qigong (SFQ) developed by Master Chunyi Lin . With renewed energy and sense of purpose, she now devotes much of her time sharing SFQ through her Calgary based company, Core Energy Wellness.

Munira was the first Certified SFQ Instructor in Canada and has been teaching since 2009. Coupled with her experience as a Physical Therapist and BTB Feng Shui certification, Munira is empowering others to live more balanced and joyful lives through addressing healing in the physical, emotional and spiritual realms.

Munira is active in Calgary’s health and wellness community and enjoys educating others through teaching workshops, leading practice groups, speaking at wellness conferences and writing articles.

Munira is married and has 2 active teenage sons. In her spare time, she loves to “be” in the mountains in Canmore , paint, sing and play soccer.