Radio Episodes
The Patricia Raskin Show
In the first half hour Patricia interviews Marc Lesser, a CEO, Zen teacher, author, and leads training's and talks worldwide. He will discuss his new book Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader: Google and a Zen Monastery Kitchen which outlines practices essential to mindful leadership and to supportive organizational cultures that allows business and people to thrive. Listen Now
Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit
Having worked in several different organizations, I learned that it is possible to lead from the middle. When I was Director of Organizational Health in a school district near Dallas, I discovered just how difficult it is to change a workplace culture from the middle. Listen Now
Express Yourself!
Siri and Joven host this episode of Express Yourself! with a theme of Truth. They interview Marc Lesser, who blended his leadership experience running a Zen monastery kitchen, leading mindfulness trainings for Google engineers, and starting and running the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute to write the new book, Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader, Lessons from Google and a Zen Monastery Kitchen. Listen Now
Starstyle®-Be the Star You Are!®
A practice is a combination of an intention, an aspiration, and an action. Grounded in the depth and simplicity of his experience of leading a Zen monastery kitchen, Marc Lesser unpacks the richness of mindfulness in his book, Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader. Listen Now
Inside Transformational Leadership
Greater complexity outside requires greater clarity inside. Born at Google from one engineer's dream tochange the world Listen Now
Inside Transformational Leadership
Greater complexity outside requires greater clarity inside. Born at Google from one engineer's dream tochange the world Listen Now
Technology Revolution: The Future of Now
The buzz: Balance. Whether you call it work life balance or integration, some days it seems impossible. How can you be calm, centered, productive, happy amid 24 7 work distractions and deadlines, family and sleep demands? The experts speak.SAP Radio, Game Changers Radio, Coffee Break, Work life balance, Worklife integration, Mindfulness, Leadership Listen Now
HR Trends with Game Changers, Presented by SAP
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Visionary Leader, Extraordinary Life
How can we train the business world to practice mindful leadership? Listen Now
Visionary Leader, Extraordinary Life
How can we train the business world to practice mindful leadership? Listen Now