Russ McBride

Russ McBride

Russ McBride SOVB President Born in Coos Bay, Oregon 1947 and raised in a small community, Greenacres. He has two sisters and lived in a log cabin with his mother. Graduated from Marshfield High School and in 1966 joined the United State Marine Corp. He spent 4 years in the Military, serving two years in Vietnam, first tour was from 9/66 to 10/67, He was with the Military Police and worked in a interrogation prison camp guarding North Vietnam Navy personal and several suspected Viet Cong. Second tour,01/68 to 09/68 he was with Ground forces in Vietnam. After being discharged he worked in the lumber industry for a few years and went to college. Left the lumber industry several times because of shut downs and work several minimum wage jobs. Last job was working for Work source Oregon Employment Department as a Veterans Representative for 14 years helping veterans with employment issues and locate resources they need for benefits and now he's retired and 100 % disabled.