Jeff  Platt

Jeff Platt

Jeff Platt grew up in North Phoenix about 5 miles from Turf Paradise. Long time horseplayer (since 1981,) he bought his first PC in 1984 for the specific purpose of creating a racing database application . Jeff has an Accounting degree and worked for 14 years as an accountant but hated that line of work because as he describes it he was forever "swimming in paper." In 1999 he became a "hired gun" and began doing contract programming work for Fortune 500 companies. In 2003, during a break between contracts, he launched a handicapping database startup called 'JCapper' and in 2008 he became one of the founding members of H.A.N.A. (Horseplayers Association of North America) Jeff appreciates how lucky he is although he may work 60 hours a week, but it never feels like work because he gets to do something he loves.