Dr. Duane Quates
I have worked as a U.S. Army federal archaeologist for the Fort Drum Cultural Resources Program since 2009, which is responsible for the management and stewardship of nearly 1000 historic properties on approximately 108,000 acres of military training lands in northern New York State.
I am a cofounder, a former chairperson, and the current secretary of the Military Archaeology Resources Stewardship (MARS) interest group with the Society for American Archaeology. This group is dedicated to creating a forum for archaeologists that work on military lands and to generate a dialogue between the military and academic archaeologists in order to achieve the goal of bettering historic preservation and cultural property protection during military operations at home and abroad. You can read more about MARS at http://www.sha.org/blog/index.php/2013/02/an-invitation-to-participate-in-military-archaeological-resources-stewardship/