Morgan  DeLeonard

Morgan DeLeonard

Children’s Services Program Coordinator for SOS Community Services, Morgan DeLeonard holds both her bachelors and master’s in Social Work. She is responsible for the oversight and development of all children’s programming and has worked professionally in the social services field for 7 years. Morgan strives to work alongside SOS’ mission to prevent and end family homelessness as well as provide as many protective factors as possible to kids who face challenges at home. Prior to SOS, she worked as Community Services Program Coordinator for a small faith-based nonprofit in Ann Arbor, MI. She has also spent time working in information and referral, youth programming, and mental health. She currently serves as 1 of 3 co-chairs for the Barrier Buster collaborative of Washtenaw County as well as actively participates in multiple other youth serving collaborative groups. When not working towards her professional endeavors, she enjoys staying active and spending time with family and friends.