Russell  Friedman

Russell Friedman

Russell Friedman is Executive Director of The Grief Recovery Institute Educational Foundation, Inc. He is the co-author The Grief Recovery Handbook, Moving On – Dump Your Relationship Baggage and Make Room For the Love of Your Life, Moving Beyond Loss – Real Answers to Real Questions from Real People, The Grief Recovery Handbook for Pet Loss and When Children Grieve - For Adults to Help Children Deal with Death, Divorce, Pet Loss, Moving, and Other Losses. He also writes a regular blog on Psychology Today: under the topic of Resilience and the heading, Broken Hearts, Russell is a frequent speaker and presenter at conferences and conventions, as well as a featured guest for radio, television, and print interviews. CNN has invited Russell to appear as the Grief Recovery expert and he was featured on The Today Show as an expert on helping parents guide their children in dealing with losses of all kinds.