Michael Crystal

Michael Crystal

Michael Crystal, a criminal lawyer, is a partner at the law firm of Spiteri & Ursulak LLP, where he currently leads the class action group, http://crystalcyrlaw.com/lawyers/. He’s currently class counsel in five personal health information class actions. In his previous work, primarily in criminal law, he appeared at all levels of trial and appellate courts in Ontario, including the three appearances as lead counsel before the Supreme Court of Canada. In his privacy practice, he provides strategic advice on privacy, data breaches and legislative drafting to government and industry. He’s been retained by industry and the Senate to testify before the Canadian Senate committees on Human Rights and is currently scheduled to testify before the National Security committee. He appeared as co-counsel before the Ontario Court of Appeal in Hopkins v. Kay, a precedent-setting case relating to the interplay between provincial personal health information legislation and the common law.