Janusz  Kozinski

Janusz Kozinski

Janusz Kozinski is Founding Dean of the Lassonde School of Engineering. As a globally trained academic leader, multidisciplinary researcher, creative thinker, arts enthusiast, entrepreneur, and a speaker of 5 languages, Janusz embodies the traits of a Renaissance Engineer. Born and raised in Krakow, Poland, Janusz received his post-doctoral training at MIT before joining McGill where he was a Sir William Dawson Scholar in Mining, Metals & Materials Engineering and Associate Vice Principal (Research and International Relations). Janusz has been a trailblazing leader at every institution he has served, including McGill, the University of Saskatchewan, and York University. Janusz is a passionate leader who exudes positivity and determination. A true Renaissance Engineer, he sees the necessity and beauty in bringing people together to not only solve the engineering problems of today and tomorrow, but to challenge each other to improve the social fabric of their societies.