Jordan  Cowe

Jordan Cowe

Jordan is a Wine Educator and Wine Lover from Ontario, Canada. As the worlds youngest Certified Wine Educator, one of only about 400 worldwide, and recipient of this year's Banfi award for highest score in a single attempt on this difficult exam Jordan has had a quick journey through the world of wine education. Jordan's focus has been on teaching the teachers to attempt to improve knowledge in the industry as a whole. He has done this by working with sommeliers and other wine professionals on tasting ability, by delivering seminars at Trade shows and Conferences and by focusing on the esoteric areas of wine. For Jordan the best part of the wine world is the diversity, the fact that there are so many unexplored topics to go out and explore and something new every day. In addition to typical educational opportunities Jordan is also working on an online platform being called Oenosity as an online outlet for wine education.