ArchAngel Michael and Lady Faith

ArchAngel Michael and Lady Faith

ArchAngel Michael and Lady Faith also represent the first Ray. Their main work is to help those who are ready to experience the sacred union with their spiritual Self. Both offer guidance in the effective release of illusions that may have kept one limited and separate from moving into a state of all-oneness. ArchAngel Michael as the Light of God uses his sword of truth to cut through the web of confusion and attachments. This will empower you to see life and yourself in it in a new way. Lady Faith will give you the courage and strength needed to continue on your chosen path of enlightenment. She will remind you in moments of fear and doubt that your choice to surrender to your spiritual Self is well worth it as it gives birth to a new level of love, joy, peace and happiness in your life. Inspired picture of ArchAngel Michael created by Eva Sullivan /