Sarah Calhoun

Sarah Calhoun

I have supported myself for over 35 years on self-generated income, starting businesses involving service, sales, consulting, research, and labor management. With masters’ degrees in public health and in city and regional planning, I have led research teams, set up service organizations, organized consultants, and done individual consulting. All of my professional work, in both large and small organizations, has been on an entrepreneurial basis: I have been bringing in the money to fund my team along with doing and leading the work itself. I have received grants-based funding and start-up capital, as well as nothing at all to begin with. Most recently, I have been a family caregiver and became involved in supporting other caregivers with information, encouragement and training. All of these efforts have taught me about enterprise development, as well as the care and feeding of entrepreneurs, what we need to stay the course and make the dream succeed.