Tammy Lambert
Tammy Lambert has completed her Bachelor of Arts Degree with a Major in Psychology at the University of Manitoba. She is working as a Mental Health Proctor for Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. She co-facilitates two groups at Manitoba Schizophrenia Society: H.O.P.E.S. group for young people experiencing psychosis and “Focusing on You” to help provide people with healthy living skills and positive self-image. She is 33 years old, presently diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, and coping with delusional symptoms and mood instability. She was first diagnosed with a mental illness at the age of 15. Despite her difficulties, she feels that she is on the road to recovery. She is turning her life around to help others who are in similar situations, and is hoping to shed light on what can be a dark, painful experience, by coping through illness through body, mind and soul.