Dr. Lisa Weleschuk
Dr. Lisa Weleschuk works with people to heal imbalances, helping to understand why these imbalances exist, and to assist in the discovery of their true selves and of the power to heal themselves. Dr. Lisa uses Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, Esoteric Acupuncture (which works with the chakra system and other modalities), German Auricular Medicine (ear acupuncture), Laser Therapy, and Herbal Medicine. She is a registered acupuncturist and graduate of the Alberta College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, where she received diplomas in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, as well as from the University of Beijing for studies completed in China. She has 360 hours of training with Insight Counseling and Therapy Centre and Joan Van Walleghem Counseling Services, and full certification in German Auricular Medicine through Vital Principle Institute with whom she is currently an instructor.