Joel R Evans, Ph.D
Joel R. Evans, Ph.D., is a Distinguished Professor in the Zarb School of Business at Hofstra University. He is an expert on social media and digital connectivity. He has spoken and written on how to use social media effectively, pitfalls of social media, and much more. Dr. Evans is co-author of Marketing in the 21st Century and co-author of Retail Management: A Strategic Approach – which have been read around the world. Professor Evans has consulted for many firms, both large and small and has served as an expert economic witness. He writes a popular marketing blog, “Evans on Marketing” *( as well as a retailing blog, “Retailing: From A to Z by Joel Evans.” Dr. Evans has been interviewed for newspapers, magazines, social media, TV, and radio. He has been in Who’s Who in the World, a recipient of the Hofstra Zarb School of Business Faculty Distinguished Service Award, and MBA Teacher of the Year. He may be reached at