Robyn Openshaw

Robyn Openshaw

Robyn Openshaw’s passion for educating people about diet and nutrition arose from her own personal journey. 20 years ago, Robyn weighed over 200 pounds and had 21 chronic diseases. Getting off the Standard American Diet proved a lifesaver. Robyn lost 70 pounds without dieting, by converting to a whole-foods, mostly plant-based diet. Twenty years later, she is a competitive athlete, free of all disease and symptoms, and at her ideal weight. Robyn teaches how to eat a 60-80% raw, 95% plant-based diet, in delicious ways that won’t take all day. She believes this diet is both do-able, forever, and sufficient for a long, vibrantly healthy life. Robyn's greatest passion is teaching young mothers, who have tremendous influence on the next generation. She believes that youngest generation is truly suffering in America and hurtling toward a health catastrophe, as we have been degenerating our DNA for three generations eating processed foods and we have to turn things around NOW.