Bob Jones

Bob Jones

For almost half a century, Bob Jones has been a software developer, living in his left brain - his head. About 25 years ago he discovered his right brain - his heart. Since that discovery he has been working to integrate both head and heart into a whole and balanced person. He discovered the Mankind Project, participated in their New Warrior Training Adventure, and continued his path toward deeper self-awareness and authentic integration. The integration has paid off by improving every aspect of his life; as an engineer, a husband, a father, and a human being. His journey through the years has taught him the value of continuously reinventing himself and the importance of deep connection with self and others. As he approaches the end of his 50-year dance with data processing, he finds himself facing his biggest challenge yet: completing his transformation into a mentor and facilitator for men who want to wake up, grow up, and show up by taking full responsibility for their lives.