Kate Sparks

Kate Sparks

Kate is a spiritual teacher and voice channel for the Ascended Masters. The focus of her work is on spiritual progression, advancement and personal power. She works closely with her Pleiadian master teacher and personal guide, P'taah. She connects with her Pleiadian star family and other beautiful star-lit beings with a message of love. The mission for Kate, inspired by her Pleiadian connection is about a return to the divine expression of love. The messages of love, channeled through Kate, show the personality, thoughts and ideas of the star master teachers she works with. These messages are transmitted to her through their light frequencies of peace, love, joy, compassion and humor. Kate has authored a book about messages received titled “Love From The Pleiades”. Born and raised on a farm in central Illinois, Kate currently resides with her husband on the sacred Spruce Mountain, in Prescott, AZ.