Carol Weed

Carol Weed

Carol S. Weed is a Senior Project Manager at Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. (VHB) and is based in their White Plains, New York, office. Since joining VHB in 2006, her work has focused on NEPA, SEQR, and CEQR compliance projects throughout New Jersey, New York, and the U.S. Northeast and West. Prior to joining VHB, she was engaged for some 25 years in FERC-permitted natural gas pipeline and other utility corridor projects. For the most part, the natural gas pipeline cultural resources projects she led were in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania though she also conducted projects in the Midwest and Southeast. Cumulatively, her crews completed over 1,000 miles of Phase I survey on pipeline corridors ranging in width from 50 to 250 feet. During the course of those investigations, more than 800 archaeological sites and 400 buildings and structures were identified and evaluated under Section 106.”