Dr. Edward Haas

Dr. Edward Haas

A psychiatrist, Dr. Haas’ philosophy of parenting integrates his broad background - “I’ve worked as a dishwasher, stockbroker, financial analyst, computer consultant, drug abuse/HIV outreach worker, early intervention service coordinator. I’ve given Kung Fu demonstrations in China, celebrated mass with Pope John-Paul, meditated in Sufi dargah, Jain and Hindu temples in India, and Buddhist shrines in Nepal. After becoming a psychiatrist and studying Jungian psychoanalysis, the birth of my daughter confronted me with the awesome responsibility of shaping a human psyche. Compelled to review and distill all I had learned, I made an amazing discovery: The same life lessons repeat over and over - in marital arts, psychology, medicine, mysticism, religion, physics, mathematics, music, art, even finance! I then felt another responsibility - Helping parents understand those lessons, and the amazing gift their child represents as a catalyst for self-discovery!”
Email address: drhaas@transformativeparenting.org
Web site: www.TransformativeParenting.org