Wesley Cullen Davidson

Wesley Cullen Davidson

Wesley Cullen Davidson is an award-winning freelance writer and journalist specializing in parenting as well as gay and lesbian content. She has written health and childcare magazine articles for parents in such publications as Adoptive Families, American Baby, and Good Housekeeping, to name just a few. This book draws on Wesley’s own experience in finding out her son was gay, her reactions and her journey from denial to discovery. For the past two years, Wesley has concentrated almost exclusively on the lesbian and gay community, specifically on advising straight parents of gay children on how to be better parents and raise happy, well-adjusted adults. Ms. Davidson writes a popular blog on this topic: http://www.straightparentgaykid.blogspot.com, and was a frequent contributor to the websites gaynewspulse.com and gayagenda.com. Her guest blogs and online articles are among the most frequently visited areas on these sites. She lives in Florida.