Dr. Barb DePree
Dr. Barb DePree, a gynecologist in practice for over 25 years, specializes in midlife women's health. She is certified through the North American Menopause Society as a provider, and was named the 2013 NAMS Certified Menopause Provider of the year. Sharecare named her as a Top 10 Social Healthmaker for Menopause in September of 2013. "Yes You Can: Dr. Barb’s Recipe for Lifelong Intimacy" offers sound medical advice that will empower women to remain as sexually active as they wish for as long as they choose. Dr. DePree founded MiddlesexMD.com. The website was created to share practice-tested, clinically sound information and products for women, including guidance for working with partners and caregivers. Dr. DePree also publishes regularly on her own blog, providing updates on research in women’s sexual health as well as observations and advice based on her work with women in her practice.