Mike  Domitrz

Mike Domitrz

As the host of "The RESPECT Podcast with Mike Domitrz" and as one of the world's leading subject matter experts and speakers on respect, Mike has been sharing with audiences and organizations around the world for almost 3 decades. Mike helps organizations of all sizes, educational institutions, parents, and the US Military create a culture of respect. Mike's mission is personal. When he was only 19-years-old, his youngest sister was raped. Soon after, he began a journey to help reduce sexual violence in the world. Over the years, that journey would focus in on building a culture of respect within organizations and communities. In 2002, Mike founded The DATE SAFE Project and went on to write 3 critically-acclaimed books with his 2 latest being “Voices of Courage: Inspiration from Survivors of Sexual Assault” and “Can I Kiss You? A thought-provoking look at relationships, intimacy and sexual assault”.